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Furutani Michio:
Anagama: Building Kilns and Firing

An English Translation

Purchase a copy of the original text from Amazon Japan

and then, either:

Download a PDF copy of the translation


Order a bound copy of the translation

I have tired of selling copies of the translation, but rather than let the knowledge and work contained in that translation go to waste, I have decided to provide the translation free of charge as a downloadable PDF file.

If you would like a bound copy of the translation, you can purchase one from Lulu Press, an on-demand print shop, for cost (i.e., you are paying only the printing cost, I'm not making any money on that either).

IMPORTANT: the translation is fairly worthless without the original photos and diagrams contained in Furutani's book.

To get a copy of the original book (containing all pics and diagrams), you can order it from Amazon Japan directly through the first link in column one of this page. The link should open to the English language order page (much of the informational text is in Japanese, but the ordering info should be in English). If not, there is an option on Amazon Japan to view the billing screens in English -- you will see a link in the upper right hand corner for English speaking ordering information.

The book is priced in yen and with shipping, it will probably cost $45-$55 to order. In any event, please do buy a copy of the original because 1) the translation is useless without it, and 2) you support Furutani's family and honor his work in publishing Shigaraki anagama information at a time when practitioners of that art were hesitant to share any information at all. He took a lot of flack for publishing so many secrets.

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